Tic Tac Wow

This is my Tic Tac Toe based games playground

Tic Tac Toe

The Tic Tac Toe page is a implementation of the classical Tic Tac Toe game. The "Game" section allows a player to play against different AI opponent. Buttons also allow the player to use one of the AIs to play their move.

The "Generator" section can be used to make the AIs play several games against each other. The interesting use case is to compare the performances of the different AIs against a random player. This is by this means that I empirically determined that my hard coded rules strategies are not perfect unlike my minmax strategy.

The "Analyzer" section is used for debugging and writting tests. It allows the users to create any tic tac toe board and visualize some information like the bynary representation of each player's move


Gobblet is a tic tac toe game with pieces of different dimensions, inspired by Gobblet played on a 3x3 board. Players take turns to place a piece on the board or move their piece that already is on the board. Bigger pieces can be placed so that they cover smaller ones and a player wins by aligning 3 pieces.

In the "Game" section you can play against different level of AIs. None of them are perfect. Buttons allow the player to use one of the AIs to play their move.

The "Runner" section allows to make the AIs play games against each other and get statistics of these games.


The Misere page a variant of Tic Tac Toe where the player wins if the opponent aligns 3 pieces. The "Game" section allows a player to play against different AI opponent. Only the random and minmax are implemented because they reused the code of the regular Tic Tac Toe AI.

Some interesting readings: